N.6 Hart Life Ultrasound Testimonials Medical Team Edition


It undoubtedly has been an answer to prayer for moms to be able to visit Hart Life to see their child for the first time! The delight we share in the first moments of viewing this tiny life and observing the flutter of its heartbeat cannot be adequately described in words.

We have seen a range of emotions from our parents as they viewed their little one with tears of joy, smiles and laughter. We have also witnessed a mom dealing with an unexpected pregnancy and was very overwhelmed to see her baby for the first time because, at that moment, it became real. She was in shock and disbelief that this was happening. The sight of her baby’s heartbeat was so powerful that, in that moment, she chose life!

We are incredibly grateful to be able to bring the beauty of ultrasound to our patients. This service helps us continue creating a story of hope and empowerment for those we serve.

  • “The first day I came in to do the ultrasounds, I was so nervous. I was nervous because on my first day, we already had an abortion minded mother. It broke my heart when I was informed of this and just prayed to God that he would give me the words to say and the wisdom to navigate the situation and of course, you know our God pulled through. He helped me to show His love. Tammy was wonderful in counseling this mother and ultimately the mother CHOSE LIFE! I just remember praying so hard for her and her family and I was just absolutely thrilled when she decided to allow this precious life to continue to grow and thrive. It makes me feel so excited and fulfilled knowing that I get to be part of this great outreach into our community.” I get to be the one who says, “Hey, you see that flicker right there? That’s your baby’s heart beating– “

    -Heather, RDMS

  • “When a new expectant mother is eagerly waiting to peek inside her womb, the room is often filled with exciting nervousness. With just one glance at the screen, I notice smiles emerge as women begin their bonding process with their new baby. It is a blessing to support these expectant mothers on their pregnancy journey.”

    - Kayla, RN

  • “Offering ultrasounds at Hart Life has been an amazing opportunity to connect with the moms, dads and loved ones. It blesses my soul to be able to see the joy on the faces of the parents getting to see God’s greatest gift of life.”

    – Brittany, NP

  • “My favorite part is watching the mom’s excitement when she sees her baby jump and seeing the flutter of the heartbeat.  I love that God is giving me the opportunity to use my training and skills to help serve others.”

    - Christy, RDMS