one life at a time
what we do
The clients we see come from all walks of life. Every client that walks through our doors has a special purpose and we want them to feel safe and accepted. We work hard to create a personal relationship with each and every one that we see, so that we can not only help throughout their pregnancy, but also impact their life with the love of Christ.
Ultrasounds at Hart Life
Hart Life started preforming Ultrasounds at the beginning of 2023! It undoubtedly has been an answer to prayer for moms to be able to visit Hart Life to see their child for the first time! The delight we share in the first moments of viewing this tiny life and observing the flutter of its heartbeat cannot be adequately described in words.

“I go to a bible study at Hart Life to help me understand that God forgives all things including abortion. I am hoping to help other girls to make a better decision that I did. Hart Life is helping me to become closer to God.” - client testimony
Free Pregnancy Tests
We offer free pregnancy tests to women in our community. Our trained staff helps clients screen for pregnancy and counsels them in making decisions that will support their success in their family and future. All services are free and confidential.
Free Limited Ultrasounds
Clients in the early stages of pregnancy may be offered a free, limited obstetrical ultrasound. We hope to use ultrasounds as a valuable tool in our clients’ decision-making process. There is nothing more impactful for a mother than seeing and hearing her baby's heartbeat.
Free Parenting Classes
We offer a parenting curriculum that educates clients on topics including pregnancy, parenting, discipline, life skills, and more. As lessons are completed, parents earn “Mommy Dollars” that can be used to shop in our baby boutique. Whether they are a first-time mom or not, clients learn valuable information that helps them become the best parents possible.
Maternity & Infant Supplies
We provide much-needed items for our clients and their babies through our baby boutique, such as baby clothes, diapers, wipes, blankets, shampoos, bottles, car seats, cribs, and more. We do everything we can to help our clients earn the items that they need. All items in our boutique are donated by individuals and churches in our community.
Reproductive Grief Support
Hart Life provides one-on-one peer counseling to those who need a non-judgemental, confidential, caring place to process post-abortion emotions or miscarriages.
Pregnancy Options
We provide Adoption Agency Information & Referrals! Hart Life has partnered with a local adoption agency to provide our clients with all the resources they need to make the best decision regarding their pregnancy.